International economics

Does maternal migration affect spousal labour market decisions? Evidence from Sri Lanka (with Vengadeshvaran Sarma), Singapore Economic Review, forthcoming. Download; Working Paper;  
Trade liberalization, productivity growth, and structural transformation: A synthetic control approach (with Cesar Blanco and Saumik Paul). In: Paul, S., ed., Kuznets beyond Kuznets: Structural transformation and income inequality in the era of globalization in Asia. Asian Development Bank Institute, 76-92, 2018. The chapter; Website;
What happen to children’s education when their parents emigrate? Evidence from Sri Lanka (with Vengadeshvaran Sarma), International Journal of Educational Development, 46, 94-102, 2016. Download; Working Paper;
Electronics industry in Malaysia (with Shandre M. Thangavelu). In: Findlay, C., ed., ASEAN and regional free trade agreements. Routledge, 256-296, 2015. Amazon; Website;
Children and maternal migration: Evidence from exogenous variations in family size (with Vengadeshvaran Sarma), Applied Economics Letters, 22(15), 1184-1187, 2015. Download; Working Paper;
Trade liberalization, FTAs and the value of firms: Stock market evidence from Singapore (with Shandre M. Thangavelu), Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 22(6), 924-941, 2013. Download; Working Paper;
Growth volatility and trade: Evidence from the 1967-1975 closure of the Suez Canal, MPRA Paper No. 39040, 2012. Download;
Cross-border M&A inflows and quality of country governance: Developing vs. developed countries (with Jung Hur and Yohanes E. Riyanto), Pacific Economic Review, 16(3), 638–655, 2011. Download; Working Paper;
Exchange rate, monetary and financial issues and policies in Asia (with Ramkishen S. Rajan and Shandre M. Thangavelu), World Scientific, 2008. Google Book; Amazon; Website;